
B8, Kala flats, 4th Avenue, Ashok Nagar
Chennai-600 083.
Job Openings

3+ Years Experience

Proficiency in conceptual design and visualization with softwares like sketchup, Rhino(& Grasshopper), 3dsmax, Autocad. Prior experience in designing Retail interiors, Office interiors & Residential interiors will be preferred.

3+ Years Experience

Proficiency in preparing Working drawings with softwares like Autocad/Revit. Prior experience in Multi-storey apartment projects will be preferred.

5+ Years Experience

Proficiency in Design Development, Detailing & Documentation with softwares like Revit, Autocad, Sketchup, Rhino (& Grasshopper) and 3dsmax. Prior experience in Gated Communities, Townships and Highrise projects will be preferred.

Want to join our team?
We are always looking for Responsible-Dedicated-Enthusiastic individuals to join our team. If any one of the above mentioned adjectives describe your character, You can contact us!

Phone: 044 47696835

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